
Friday Fitness #11 – The Dirty dozen and Clean 15!

Every year, a list of the “Dirty Dozen,” are announced to the public. This consists of the top (or bottom rather) 12 fruits and vegetables that have the highest amount of pesticides when grown conventionally versus organically. When testing, the Environmental Working Group uses 40,900 samples for 47 different produce.

So if you’re not going to eat 100% organic, at least make these in your organic choices!

The Dirty Dozen!

  1. Strawberries

  2. Spinach

  3. Kale

  4. Nectarines

  5. Apples

  6. Grapes

  7. Peaches

  8. Cherries

  9. Pears

  10. Tomatoes

  11. Celery

  12. Potatoes

The EWG also grants us a list of the 15 fruits and vegetables that test with the lowest amount of pesticide residue.

So if you’re limited in organic selection, these ones can slide by as being safer to consume.

So fresh and so clean clean (for all of you OutKast fans)!

  1. Avocados

  2. Sweet corn

  3. Pineapple

  4. Frozen sweet peas

  5. Onions

  6. Papaya

  7. Eggplant

  8. Asparagus

  9. Kiwi

  10. Cabbage

  11. Cauliflower

  12. Cantaloupe

  13. Broccoli

  14. Mushrooms

    Honeydew melon

Hopefully this knowledge gives you a little more confidence when standing in the store debating on your selection. Depending on my options, I’ve often considered these lists when making my decision at the market. For example, I’d go for a non organic pineapple over non organic strawberries any day! In fact, I’d confess to grabbing a side of cabbage over the popular spinach or kale salad if a restaurant couldn’t confirm organic or not.

Side note for thought: I wonder if we’d make the same food choices if we saw the entire process…

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Friday Fitness #10 – My New favorite Green Drink!

Ok it’s time. My blog has been active for over 7 years and I’ve never promoted a specific brand to this extent until now. So listen up!

Disclosure: I’m not getting paid to write this post however I’m now selling this magical product so please use my code of HerHappyTrails when ordering to get your $50 discount!

Friends, family and fellow health nuts… I introduce to you, Purium!

Purium has greatly exceeded my expectations in all areas of what’s important to me. Here’s 3 examples how:

Plant based – Produce from the earth to your doorstep. This video explains it all!

Organic – Plain and simple. No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, binders, fillers, hormones, pesticides, irradiated or genetically modified ingredients. Just real food.

3rd Party tested – None of that “We tested it ourselves and think we’re the best” kind of nonsense. Purium has sought out to be tested by outside sources in order to confirm that their labels speak truth.

Today I’m going to brag about my favorite product, the Power Shake! It’s the ultimate green drink that provides pure, raw phytonutrients. It’s earths medicine in a green powder form! Seriously, you can almost feel the energy instantly. Another video here!

Besides “Original”, the flavor option is “Apple Berry”. Confession: I love apples and berries but I don’t like apple or berry flavored things… however this flavor is D-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s! It’s the first green powder I actually enjoy with just water!

This morning I’m choosing to dress it up a bit for a few reasons. First off, I’m breastfeeding which means I don’t mind the extra nutrients for my milk supply. Secondly, we have a huge day ahead and I know this powerful stuff will keep me going and going. Lastly, I just love the extra goodness!

It could be a new mom glow orrrrr maybe I’m radiating from this amazing Power Shake! Try it out and see for yourself, you deserve it.

Here’s the deal, you go to the Purium Website, snoop around and load up your cart with all of your wishes and dreams. Enter HerHappyTrails in the code section and viola! $50 off your purchase or 25% if it’s over $200.

My husbands first purchase was the 10 day cleanse. I’ve never seen Matt wake up in the morning with both eyes open and ready for the day as much as after this detox.

My dear friend from Cali (I won’t expose her personally but her name starts with a “J” and ends in “ennifer”) also did this cleanse and lost 9 lbs, 4″ off her waist and 1.5″ from her hips… say whaaattt!?!

Matt’s mom transformed in front of me with a fresh face and bright skin after the 10 day cleanse and I truly thought she had gotten Botox (no joke or no judgment)!

Botox, weight loss and alert energy… all with just a whole food product!

So to review – CLICK HERE to order and enter HerHappyTrails in the code section to get your super savings. Then be prepared to fall in love and elevate to a new vibration!

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Friday Fitness week 8 – My 8 Favorite Snacks!

If you’re like my husband, you don’t think about food until the late afternoon (weirdo) and when you do, it’s a gut filling meal. If you’re like me, you’d prefer to snack through out the day never being full and rarely being hungry. I’m not sure which is the healthier of the two, I suppose it’s preference or some sort of a balance. Either way, today we’re going to review some of my go-to snacks.

Some of these were my favorite before I cut out animal products, but although I don’t consume them now I still wanted to mention them in case you could benefit from a new idea!

1. Nut butter and Plants!

Everyone loves the good ol’ apples and peanut butter or the Ants-on-a-log from kindergarten (celery, Pb and raisins), but why leave out the rest of the garden? I love to blanch broccoli and cauliflower to dip or raw zucchini, carrots, and more! Have a sweet tooth? Try any berry (especially frozen blueberries) or my favorite, sliced bananas with nut-butter and freeze them!

(If you’re watching fat or calorie intake, mix normal peanut butter with Pb2)

2. Cottage cheese and Salsa Dip!

Exactly what it sounds like! Mix the two and use for a protein based salsa dip (rather than nacho cheese). Dip with raw veggies, whole grain crackers or eat with a spoon!

3. Popcorn with Nutritional Yeast!

Nutritional yeast is a hidden gem in the vegan world. Packed with B vitamins and other minerals, this beneficial bundle of flakes can be added to salads, soups, dips, or in this case, popcorn! I dry pop my own kernels then lightly dust with coconut oil and sprinkle with Himalayan salt and Nutritional yeast. Add a glass of wine and you’ve got dinner! (Guilty smile here)

4. Homemade Spinach Dip!

Forget the mayonnaise, creme cheese and other pointless calories… throw together some Greek yogurt, avocado and wilted spinach with your favorite seasonings and viola, dip!

5. Guacamole!

I know, I know… it’s fattening and high in calories blah blah blah but it’s one of those superfoods we spoke about in the last post! It’s packed full of all the good stuff that supports a healthy body along with a buttery texture that really satisfies the mouth hunger mentioned in Mindful Eating. If the nutrition facts still scare you, load it up with scrumptious fillers like puréed spinach, tomatoes, peppers, onions, jicama.. add whatever you love to bulk up the serving size.

6. Angelic Eggs! (verses deviled)

When I was fit-cray cray I avoided deviled eggs at all cost, yolk and mayonnaise, no way, not in this mouth! I missed the handy quick snack so traded in some of the traditional ingredients for healthier options. My go-to was Greek yogurt or cottage cheese but now without dairy, I use avocado, mustard and WATER! Yep, when you’re recipe is a little dry, no need to blob on more mayo, just add a splash of water and it’ll moisten it up enough for eating!

7. Frozen Yogurt Dots!

Super easy and tasty. Grab your favorite yogurt, Greek or full fat, flavored or not (I used plain then flavored with protein powder or honey). Put it on a plastic baggy then cut the tip off, squeeze dots onto a tray and freeze. Once frozen, scrape them off and enjoy!

8. Homemade popsicles!

I LOVE frozen treats so this dandy is one of my staples during the hot months. You have control of what goes inside so why not pack it full of nutritious ingredients?! I often mesh some sort of nut milk with vegan protein powder. To make it even more creamy, I’ll blend in a banana, nut butter, chia seeds or avocado. You the fruity type? Put some mango, yogurt and coconut together… craving mint chocolate chip? Add mint extract and cocao nibs! No matter what your taste buds are seeking, just throw your goodies in a blender, purée it until it’s smooth and then fill up the molds. By dessert time you’ll have a feel-good popsicle to savor!

So there you have it, 8 ideas to fill the snack space while keeping your health in mind.

I’m not going to go into any detail this week on the physical challenges of our Friday Fitness so I’ll leave it up to you to review the past weeks and keep it up!

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Friday Fitness week #7 – Superfoods and Super Moves!

Superfood – a nutrient dense food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.

These power punches are rich in compounds such as antioxidants, fiber or fatty acids that increase energy and vitality. Many have been labeled with the ability to regulate cholesterol and blood pressure with the consideration of fighting cancer and other diseases. Wow. Really think about that. Fights cancer and other diseases! We hear that all the time but do you believe it?

Imagine a world full of colorful edibles verses white pills or chemical therapy? The poor pharmaceutical companies (to be said with sarcasm) would go out of business if the symptoms they’re paid to mask are taking care of by clean eating, proper hydration and Superfoods.

I could write several posts on that topic, but I’ll keep it light by inviting you to include more miracle foods in your diet. It’s easier than you think!

List of the 2019 top ranking Superfoods!

Water (It’s my # 1!)

Papaya, Pineapple, Mango

Apples, Kiwi, Grapefruit, Oranges

Black Raspberries, Blueberries, Pomegranate seeds

Broccoli, Carrots, Brussels Sprouts, Sweet Potato

Spinach, Arugula, Kale

Seaweed, Wheatgrass

Garlic, Onion



Brazil Nuts, Walnuts, Almond milk

Hemp seed

Coconut oil

Brazil Nuts, Walnuts, Almond milk

Hemp seed

Dried Mulberries, Goji Berries

Peppermint, Parsley, Cilantro


Green Tea


Tart Cherry Juice


Dark Chocolate



Lentils, Oatmeal, Buckwheat Pasta

Fish oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil


To get the most benefit of your superfood, combine at least 2 per meal and enjoy daily!


My challenge this week is so much fun! If it be 2-step, hip hop, ballet or just good ol’ clubbin…. turn on some tunes and move!

Dancing does so much for the mind, body and soul! From elevating the heart rate to releasing endorphins that send happy little vibrations throughout our body that say, “Be happy and thrive!”

Many sports and workouts require training for strength and proper technique before fully engaging in the activity. Dancing? Nah. It doesn’t matter if you’re the next contestant on So You Think You Can Dance or the main character in the next clip on America’s Funniest Home Videos, you can still do it… so do it!

I’ve been so fortunate to have gotten the opportunity to dance around the world. Only naming a few would start with nights clubs in Amsterdam, Costa Rica, California, and El Salvador to live shows in Germany, Trinidad and on a boat in Barbados! I was even lucky enough to jam out at a Alicia Keys concert in Japan and at the Foo Fighters in Argentina!

Have more time to read? Interested in info on other nutrition and workout suggestions? There’s 8 weeks of ideas by clicking here or scanning through the right column of this page to find other Fitness Friday posts!

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Fitness Friday week 6 – Mindful Eating!

Lets recap the last 5 weeks of our Fitness Friday’s.

In week 1 I introduced the long forgotten, calorie burning, toosh tightening and heart pumping friend called the stairs. We partnered this with portion control and the beauty in being conscious of how much and what you’re actually eating.

Week 2 brought a game of Pick-Up-Sticks in which we labeled popsicle sticks with different workouts that are placed in a jar. This little set up encourages you to pull one out and get on it! The nutrition thought of that week was to keep your food as close to its original state as possible!

The dirty secret of Aspartame was revealed in Week 3 along with its side effects and my challenge to avoid it for 7 days. Hopefully you felt better! During those 7 days I reminded us of the cheap and easy workout of walking. Go for a long walk or simply park farther from the front door, but get your feet moving!

After attacking the Aspartame challenge, we set out to limit all sugars in Week 4. It’s amazing how sweet whole foods can be when the processed junk is eliminated from our taste buds. For the physical challenge, I linked you to a convenient workout link from Self.com

Week 5 brought attention to something we all have, posture! I truly hope most of you gave a valid try to at least be more aware of how you stand, sit and sleep… it makes a difference! This post was also about food prep, the simple task that makes eating healthy so much easier.

This week I want to discuss hunger. We think we know what it is, where it comes from and how to cure it…. but let’s look into it a bit deeper.

Webster dictionary says hunger is a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat.

What does hunger feel like? For most of us, you have experienced at least one or all of these symptoms; Fatigue, hunger pangs, nausea, irritability (aka “hangry”), headache, emptiness and difficulty concentrating.

What causes hunger? The obvious answer is lack of food. The deeper answer might get you thinking before you take your next bite. All of our senses can trigger an idea of hunger, some examples:

Sight – “I wasn’t hungry until I saw that crepe!”

Smell – “I know we just ate lunch but that Cinnabon smells so good!”

Sound – “Is that popcorn I hear popping? Scrumptious!”

Taste – “Didn’t think I could eat anymore until I tasted the coconut cream pie!”

Touch – “It’s so hot out, ice cream would be so cold and yummy right now!”

Even if we’re not in need of more nutrients, the above examples show how we can deceive ourselves into believing so.

Our brain is also a powerful helper in convincing us that we need food, if it be a memory, association, the simple thought of a food or most common… emotions.

To sum up an awesome book I read called Mindful Eating, there are 5 types of hunger. If we can distinguish between them, our relationship with food will become healthy and more clear.

Here are the types of hunger we have all experienced:

Mouth hunger – maybe you call it a sweet tooth or craving, no matter what you title it, this doesn’t mean you’re hungry.

Stomach hunger – notice if you’re stomach is full or not after each bite.

Heart hunger – are you eating from sadness, memories or emotions?

Mind hunger – you KNOW if what you’re about to eat is from hunger or desire, so ask your head, “should I eat this?”

Cellular hunger – to be aware of what the food is doing to your body on a cellular level. The way a brightly colored fresh salad might feel compared to a tan bun with a brown hamburger inside. What it takes to filter a sugary drink compared to the hydration you get from pure water.

Now since you know the different ways our body can be triggered into thinking (or truly being) hungry, here are 3 questions to ask yourself at 3 different times. You’ll ask the following before you take your first bite, again in the middle of your meal and once more at the end.

1. What type of hunger do I have? (Review the 5 types and find the one matching yours. This will better help decide a healthy decision.)

Fun fact: my husband and I will openly say, “I’ve got mouth hunger!” This occurs most often during a Netflix night or a road trip.

2. Will eating help meet my hunger? (Am I full or just continuing to eat for social, emotional or boredom reasons?)

3. What type of food, if any, would best satisfy my hunger? (Is another bite worth it and if so, is this specific bite of food what I need?)

So there you have it friends. Quite a bit of food for thought (pun intended). If this topic intrigues you farther than my blog, please take a look at the book. It’s an easy read that introduces a fresh way of connecting to what fuels your body.The physical challenge for this week is basic but brilliant! Add a set of reps of anything to your daily routine. Make things that don’t usually belong a new part of your habits. Examples:

-10 squats every time you go to the bathroom.

-20 pushups when you get out of bed and 20 more before you go to bed.

-50 jumping jacks before you turn on the TV and 50 more when it goes off.

-Stand on your toes while doing the dishes or brushing your teeth.

-Hold a plank while you’re scanning Facebook.

-Throw in some crunches before every shower.

Those are just a few examples but feel free to fill in your own numbers and actions. You’d be surprised how you’ll feel at the end of the day!

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Fitness Friday week 5 – Get up, stand up!

It’s been 4 weeks! You knew it was coming, another transformation photo! Even if you don’t think there’s a difference, I still encourage you to snap the pic. Sometimes it’s hard for us to see a change but over time it’s apparent. Pregnancy is the perfect example. I never wanted to take the growing belly selfies, but with a gentle push from friends I did and I’m so thankful! Looking back at those weekly shots in the post The Most Selfies I’ve Ever Taken, I now see the progressive changes that I wasn’t recognizing on my own.

If the reason you don’t want to take another photo is that you haven’t been putting forth much effort, then great, let this be a fire under you hiney to get back to it!

This week we’re going to talk about posture.

When your ankles, hips, shoulders, and head are lined up comfortably one above the other, your posture is correct. Your knees should not be locked, but slightly bent and your feet should be shoulder width apart.

I found this clever image that helps identify where you might be falling, or standing rather.

Why is posture so important? If you ask any chiropractor or physical therapist, they’d say “good posture means good health”. It allows your joints to work properly without unnecessary pressure where it doesn’t belong. It maintains muscular strength in the areas that decrease pressure on nerves. The list goes on including simply looking better… healthy and alive!

I’ve been amazed at the difference I’ve felt when focusing on my stance. I did it this past week and I’m actually sore from it! A good ache of course, soreness from contracting muscles to keep my spine straight, especially between my shoulder blades. After being pregnant and now a new mom, I found myself slouching as if I was still carrying pounds of baby in front of me.

It’s harder than it sounds to keep conscious of your posture. Most of you have probably corrected your posture while reading this and a good majority of you will forget about it before the end of this post.

This week I challenge you to be fully aware of your body, head to toe. When you’re cooking, working at a desk, holding your baby, standing in line at the store and even sleeping!

So how we’d do with last weeks challenge? No processed sugar was to be consumed and hopefully forgotten about… ha… ha… ha. I give myself a B+ considering effort, environment and temptations declined. The Sunday after I posted the challenge, we went to a “Candyland” birthday party. What’s funny, is nothing there was my favorite kind of sugar. It wasn’t like there was a Rice Krispie treat cake or chocolate covered nuts, however I still found myself being tempted by the flavors that were offered. I admit I nibbled here and there and regretted every bite that wasn’t worth it, which was all of them! Lesson learned.

Moving on.

This week is all about the food prep. No matter what diet you’re on or nutritional plan you follow, being prepared is always helpful. The number one thing I hear when this topic is brought up is time. It’s time consuming to get out the tubberware, chopping block and utensils to dice up your fruit and veggies. And who has spare minutes to cook up your protein and separate it all for the week? You do.

When you want something bad enough, you make it happen!

I personally enjoy it, I guess you could call it my kitchen therapy. I pour a glass of wine, pull my hair back and turn on my favorite music (or if I really want to nerd out, I’ll turn on a health documentary or cooking show). Then I lay out all of my ingredients and all of the storage containers and prep away! I intended on doing this and snapping all the pics from my own kitchen, but then I woke up and it was today, Friday. For the sake of all you that love visuals, me included, here are some beautiful examples I found.

If you’re not up for organizing full meals, start with just preparing a few containers of cleaned cut fruit and veggies. Something you can reach for in a hurry or in a “must snack now!” moment. If you open my fridge you’ll usually find celery sticks, sliced cucumber, other veggies and cleaned fruit ready to be eaten. I don’t know how many times I’ve gone into the fridge with major mind hungry (meaning in my head and not in my gut) ready to devour the first thing I saw. Due to convenience, I’d just grab a veggie bag with maybe some hummus, mashed avocado or bean dip.

What if you don’t eat all of your prepped veggies before they start to turn bad? Throw them in a skillet and you’ve got dinner with rice, roll them up in butterleaf and now you have lettuce wraps, toss them in a little oil and roast them at 400 until they’re crispy.. oh so good! My recent favorite trick is to throw them in a blender after being cooked (in anyway) with some seasoning and nut milk. Heat and eat like soup or dip with crackers. Yum!

This weeks homework:

1. Every moment you consciously think of your posture, fix it! Did you already forget?

2. Make time for one session of treating yourself to stocking the fridge with prepared fresh food. You’re worth it!

3. Take the next transition photo. Deep breath, you can do it!

4. Remember that fun little workout we recorded on week one? Do it again and see if there’s any improvement in your numbers.

Set a timer for 1 minute and count how many pushups you can do. Then again for squats and burpees. Even if you do 4 and the rest for 30 seconds and do 4 more, just keep attempting for the entire 2 minutes. Write it down and store away with that glorious photo you just took.

Wrapping up our lifestyle changes so far:

1. Use the stairs every chance you get!

2. Stick to the single serving amount or less.

3. Play with pop-cycle sticks and actually use them!

4. Consume products that are closest to their original state!

5. Avoid artificial sweeteners found in most sugar free products.

6. Walk as much as you can at every opportunity!

7. Clean out your system of sugar, stick with fruit!

8. Pick 3 workouts a week and give it all you got!

9. Food Prep! Make it easier to make better choices.

10. Keep you posture in mind. Good posture, good health!

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Fitness Friday #3 – Dirty Sugar Free

This week starts with a confession. My name is Erika, and I love gum. I have chewed this tasty delight as long as I can remember. I can especially recall an increase in my gum chewing once I started on the “health kick” 10 years ago. If I thought I was hungry when it wasn’t time to eat, after each meal instead of dessert, long car rides where snacking is too easy, at the movie theater where treats are too tempting, at the gym, on a run… the list goes on. Why is this a confession and not a suggestion?

Let’s investigate.

Gum gets it addictive sweet flavor from one of two things, sugar or artificial sweetener. So if you choose the “real” sugar brand like Chiclets or Double Bubble, not only are you asking for cavities (my mom used to work in the dental field, can you tell?) but calories! The average piece of bubble gum has 20 calories, 5 carbs and all 5 of those carbs comes from 5 grams of sugar. Not a horrible choice if you’re used to inhaling a few cookies after lunch, however if you generally stay away from dessert and choose to have a few (or dozen) pieces of gum a day, you’re looking at consuming an extra meal without even swallowing a piece of food! Yikes!

If you choose the ever so popular “sugar free gum” which is 99% of the options you see at gas stations, you’re looking at ingesting a pretty powerful ingredient known to have side effects that most Americans complain about. I properly introduce you to Phenylalanine, the chemical making up 50% of Aspartame which we’ve all heard about.

Check this out…

If you google top side effects from Aspartame and then search for the most common symptoms Americans report, they’re almost identical!




-Abdominal discomfort




-Weight gain

Did you see the last one? Weight gain! I suppose that’s one reason I chose this for our topic besides the general (frightening) health risks included. How can a Diet Coke or piece of gum prevent wight loss? Of course, it takes more than a drink to pack on the pounds, but consistent intake of this chemical seems to be proven to mess with more than just our taste buds.

My challenge for is this week is to avoid anything with Aspartame, Phenylalanine, Equal or NutraSweet… None. Zilch. Nada! This will be hard for me since I thoroughly enjoy my gum, but I’m curious to see if I can feel a difference in a quick 7 days.

Some of you little researchers out there (myself included) might be asking, what about Splenda, Stevia, Xylitol and all the others? Challenge accepted! Next week I’ll have further info and my personal opinion. This would be another hard one for me since I consume flavored protein shakes daily and we know powdered vegetables don’t taste like chocolate without some additional sweet lovin’.

Physical challenge! We’ve hit the stairs and picked up sticks, this week we’re bringing it back to the basics, walking! When you park at the store, don’t do laps looking for the closest spot, park far away and embrace the extra calorie burnage! Shoots, if you’re really feeling it, pick up the pace and speed walk! See if you can get your heart rate up before reaching the entrance. Have a friend that lives nearby? Walk to meet in the middle and enjoy a conversation that doesn’t include a “like” button or emojis. If you don’t live close enough, meet at a coffee shop then stroll from there, no excuses.

This weeks homework:

1. Take an update photo. Are you excited about this or dreading it!?

2. Keep reading the labels before opening the box!

3. Walk. Then walk some more and then a little more!

Wrapping up our lifestyle changes so far:

1. Use the stairs every chance you get!

2. Stick to the single serving amount or less.

3. Play with pop-cycle sticks and actually use them!

4. Consume products that are closest to their original state!

5. Avoid artificial sweeteners found in most sugar free products.

6. Walk as much as you can at every opportunity!

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Friday fitness – week 2! Pickin’ up sticks

How’d the stairs treat ya… better yet, how did you treat the stairs? Hopefully it got your heart rate up and your legs a little wobbly. More than anything, I would love to know that it kick started the fitness wheel for you and now it’s rolling!

This week I’m introducing one of my favorite tricks to sneak in a few extra moments that burns calories and maintains strength. Like any other activity, it only works if you do it!

I used pop-cycle sticks, you can find these in the art section of any store that has an art section. Note: I don’t suggest going to the freezer aisle and buying a jumbo pack of fudge-cycles to eat and save the sticks, it made me sick.

Feel free to change the number amount of each movement to better suit your fitness level.

There’s 2 ways I find this little dandy works best for me.

1. On a day off around the house or while you’re getting ready for work, set a timer for every 30 (or 15 or 45) minutes. Every time it sounds, grab a stick or 3 and have at it! This dilutes the overwhelming task and doesn’t consume your entire morning or evening.

2. Set a timer for 30 minutes (or 15 or an hour) and plow through as many sticks as you can!

Another idea (that I rarely do but love it when I do) is to partner up! Find a friend and take turns pulling sticks. A bit more entertaining when you’re either wishing for an easy one or watching your partner endure a hard one!

Write this down and prop it up next to your stick jar!

-“everyone works out when they want to, determined people do it even when they don’t want to!

Last week we practiced portion control by being more aware of the nutrition facts and quantity suggested per serving. Continuing on that track, this week start by looking at the ingredients. If there are more than 6 ingredients or anything you can’t pronounce (properly) then don’t even waste your time with the serving size… just put it back and find something else.

Let’s try keeping our food intake as close to its natural state as possible. If you’re in a hurry and starving at a gas station, reach for the bag of nuts or fruit verses the yogurt covered pretzels, “baked” chips or trail mix. Sure those options sound healthier than a Butterfinger, but look at the ingredients, it can be so deceiving!

This weeks homework:

1. Create your collection of sticks with a variety of workouts and use them!

2. Read the ingredients before looking at the nutrition facts. Less is more!

Wrapping up our lifestyle changes so far:

1. Use the stairs every chance you get!

2. Stick to the single serving amount or less.

3. Play with pop-cycle sticks and actually use them!

4. Consume products that are closest to their original state!

Have you taken your original starting picture? I hope so because next week we take another one!

I’ll have to admit this past week has been a struggle for me with family in town and a thousand mile road trip to see more family! Here’s a sneak preview of the love Shanti has been surrounded with! Next post, family adventures!

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Fitness Friday – week 1!

I walked into the gym feeling the way maybe a 30 year old would feel on the first day back to school – collage, teacher, desk, notebook… got it. Gym, treadmill, weights, machines… got it, now what? I’ll have to admit I was ready to post this first workout like a champ from the fitness center, but something changed the moment I walked into the gym. For what it’s worth I laughed when I did an about face. I didn’t even fake like I left something in my car or got a sudden stomach bug, I just laughed like I had lost my mind and walked out.

Needless to say this lead me to the perfect beginning place, a quiet empty space in which I had nowhere to go but up, literally. The stairwell! We’re currently living in a 19 story high-rise building that has a small gym and also an inviting set of steps that has become my new best friend.

Reasons I love stairs

1. You’re going somewhere (no thanks to you treadmills).

2. It’s super for the legs without destroying your knees or lower back.

3. You can vary the workout! I’ll sprint up one flight for cardio, skip a step with slow movements for a butt burn or stay on my toes for a calf tightening.

4. Nobody is standing there waiting for you to finish so they can do it.

So this week my physical challenge to you is to find stairs. The local school stadium, a nearby hotel, the mall, the park, etc. they’re out there, just look! If you live in a cow town and the only steps you have are the 6 leading up to the library, use them! I’ve also taken every chance to use stairs even when there’s an escalator or elevator available. If you want an extra challenge, incorporate some movements at the bottom or top of the climb. I did this in an airport back in Da Nang, Vietnam (while waiting for my flight to Ho Chi Minh) .

Food, we gotta eat! This subject is tricky since it seems these day there are uncountable amounts of diets, ideas and theories. None of that, too much of this, avoid those, eat that but only if it’s prepared this way…. it’s endless! I’m going to keep it general this week and invite you into the world of portion control. No matter what your diet might be, let’s pay attention to the quantity.

Just because they’re organic, whole grain, sugar free and tasteless (not a typo) doesn’t mean you should eat them by the buckets. If it’s 100 calories per serving and 10 pieces is a serving and there’s 6 servings per container, guess what… if you sit and watch Netflix while finishing the box of your “healthy” snack, you’ve consumed a solid amount of your daily caloric intake. A trainer once told me, “just because it’s a gluten free donut doesn’t mean it’s not a donut”. (This was after I was trying to justify my dairy free frozen treat).

Here’s a prime example – I found an “all natural vanilla” because it appears innocent and sounds like a decent choice (I know ice cream shouldn’t really be in a “diet” but for those of you who like your desserts, this is for you). Let’s look at the label:

Without even analyzing the actual “nutrition facts”, start by looking at the serving size. It’s an itty bitty 1/2 cup. Not a bowl, not even a coffee cup size but a half of a measured cup. If you’re not a baker, go get a real measuring device and see what your serving of ice cream really looks like. Then look at the label again, 12 servings!! So if you finish this dandy container over the weekend, you’ve consumed 1,560 calories – 720 of those are from fat and 168 grams of sugar! Thats 6x the amount of sugar you’re generally supposed to max out at per day… total! (You should gasp in disbelief here).

Point is, be aware of what you’re eating. Put a proper portion (or less) on your plate, then enjoy. Don’t invite the temptation for just a few more. This especially includes eating out. Try ordering your meal with a to-go box. If you feel like a nerd doing this, just remind yourself that whoever is judging you is either A- jealous that they don’t have the willpower or B- impressed that you do. When the dish comes, keep a healthy portion on your plate and put the rest in the box for later. DO NOT go for the doggy bag while in the restaurant, you’re not starving nor will your leftovers dissolve before getting to finish them. You can do it!

This weeks HOMEWORK:

1. Snap a photo of your beautiful self. This will be the “starting” photo of our journey. In a swimsuit, your undies, a mini dress, a speedo, birthday suit, whatever… this is for you!

2. Take 3 minutes of your day (today) and record the following. We will use this as a simple guide to gage improvement. Every 2 weeks, we’ll do it again to see how amazing our endurance can increase with a little effort.

Set a timer for 1 minute and count how many pushups you can do. Then again for squats and burpees. Even if you do 4 and the rest for 30 seconds and do 4 more, just keep attempting for the entire 2 minutes. Write it down and store away with that glorious photo you just took.

3. Embrace full awareness of everything that goes into your mouth… No handfuls, quick bites or food straight from the container. Please measure, save leftovers and consume only what’s needed.

This week I’ll be repeating these two phrases when I feel tempted to either skip a workout or eat just a little more:

-everyone works out when they want to, determined people do it even when they don’t want to!

-a moment on the lips is a month on the hips 😬

Have a super week!

Please note, I am not a doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer, life coach or any other label that would give the idea that I’ve been properly trained in the world of food and fitness. I’m just a girl who loves both subjects that’s willing to share my ideas along the journey.

Categories: Edibles!, Fitness, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

7 years ago today…

What were you doing on this exact date 7 years ago? I was zipping up my backpack to load up before my mom dropped me off at the Sacramento airport for the first day of an unpredictable journey around the world. I can recall having no fear or at least no hesitation in the adventure I was about to embark on. Just excitement and a new found enthusiasm for life!

As each year unfolded and my passport filled to the rim (with about 80 stamps!) I encountered new friends, adopted cultural traditions and continued to allow my mind to expand. Sometimes it’s surreal when I look back on the photos as it usually feels like I’m talking about someone else from a book I read or movie I saw. If you want to see a clear layout with links of my first exciting year on the road, take a look at the 2012 archives!

I was going to make this post about some of my favorites from around the world, cuisine, music, architecture, etc. but as I began to write I felt more drawn to explore what kind of lessons I gathered from a variety of places. Could be that I’m 9 months pregnant and my sensitive hormones are on high, or simply because I’ve never really stopped to ask myself such a question.

So Erika, where did you learn some significant lessons and how did you walk away from it a better person?

PERU – Although I visited several different cities throughout the country, a little village has always stood out to me. I rarely go back to a place I’ve been, but the magnetic pull was too strong for me to ignore in Huambutio. I was invited to volunteer there in a variety of things from teaching English to painting walls, cooking and even to coach gymnastics.

The lesson here was simple, appreciation for the simple things.

Sounds obvious or cliche, but there were a few events that triggered this conscious thought. First was the toothpaste. We taught the kids how to make their own toothpaste (that they got to take home) and the importance of dental health. The enthusiasm and gratitude they showed was outstanding! Something we may all take for granted or even see as a thoughtless item we look for on sale at Target, but these children guarded their portion like it was gold. Makes me wonder if they had ever used any… ever. Next was meal time. The children’s breakfast everyday was 1/2 of a hard boiled egg with a scoop of plain oatmeal (not your Starbucks brown sugar, toasted nut and cranberry shenanigans, but warm oats and water). We would divide an apple into 1/8 slices in order for everyone to get a bite as a snack and occasionally got to accompany it with a few pieces of toasted corn. Lunch and dinner was whatever we picked that day from the garden. A clear memory I have was the evening they said we were goin to make corn bread. Now, I was aware enough to not aimlessly look for a box of ready make Betty Crocker, but I was on the scout for cornmeal and the rest of the ingredients. I can’t remember how long they let me look before informing me that we actually have to go pick the corn to start the process. After I was done blushing, off to the garden we went! An experience that made every bite of that bread savored as if we had spent hours preparing it… because we did!

I suppose all of this hit me harder than I was expecting when I flew out of Peru into the states to visit family. My first stop was Dallas, Texas… home of everything huge! I had my apple bits, a few nuts and some cash to get me buy as I plopped down in the food court during my layover at the airport. A family sat next to me who didn’t go out of their way to be discreet. The children were clearly mad at the toy they got in the happy meal, a meal that they didn’t want to finish for whatever reason. After fits and French fries on the floor, the meals went into the garbage. I’m not claiming that we need to starve to appreciate fullness, or go without toothpaste to love a good sale at Target. I will admit however, that I may have judged this situation in the moment, but looking back now it was an opportunity that invited me to reflect on my own behavior. Had I carelessly disposed of food that could of been leftovers or compost? How many times did I complain, especially as a child, about the items in front of me with no gratitude that I even had options!?

Moving from food to activity, we ventured to the outdoor area and I was pleasantly surprised at the creative use of items that would typically land in the trash. Used plastic containers, snack wrappers, laundry bottles, juice boxes, warm out shoes and more. I loved it!

This experience as a whole opened a new part of my character to this day (even ask those close to me), it’s left me very aware of waste, unnecessary abundance and a love for keeping things simple. I am that weirdo that has 1/4 of an apple in my fridge with full intentions of eating it. I order a to-go box with my meal whenever we enjoy the luxury of eating out. I choose not to go to Costco and buy a village sized pack of paper plates on sale because I “might” need them someday. By no means am I claiming some sort of award winning lifestyle, just sharing the lesson that 7 years later still sticks in my everyday existence. And now with a little girl due any day, I hope to carry this in our family and raise a grateful human that appreciates her surroundings and has gratitude for our simple luxuries.

Categories: Accommodations, Edibles!, Travel talk, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

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