Monthly Archives: December 2015

Boxing Day… no gloves needed!

Ok, so the 25th has passed and all is quiet on the island… 

                                                                          Yeh, if you’re the only one that lives in a cave!

Boxing Day is a holiday that generally takes place on the 26th of December being that it’s the day after Christmas. It’s been said that this bank holiday was developed because servants were required to work on Christmas, but were allowed to take the following day off. As the workers prepared to leave, their employers would give them a gift box, hence “Boxing Day”. Another theory is that there were boxes put in churches in which the wealthy deposited coins for the poor. These were then opened on the 26th and distributed. No matter where or how it began, it has developed into a break from the daily grind with good reason to keep the celebrations going.  

So how did we go about the festivities this year? The only gifting that came from a box was the abundunce of coolers filled with adult beverages. I suppose the major exchange involved the giddy locals sharing laughter and positive energy. With white sand, a big sky and hundreds of friends ready for some down time we gathered at a surprise location for what’s unofficially called “The raft up”. The photos speak for themselves!      

If you didn’t come in by water, not to worry as there’s a grand chance that you know someone who did. With the Barbados heat hugging your skin, a nice swim to a friends boat seemed to be the perfect way to cool off. Here’s a shot looking back at the island.   

Now since you get the visual of this massive social event, imagine the background tunes ranging from the top 40 hits combined with dance beats and a solid Soca mix. This only 2nd to the laughter and chitty-chat from the vibrant people all around you. Music to my ears!
The idea captured below had to of been the most impressive creative moment of the day. The sand is a bit tricky to brace a table, so instead they dug holes to create an elevated stage. When you want something bad enough… You make it happen. Brilliant!   
Can’t you just feel the love? 





    …and to think this was only a small percentage of the photos taken! 

If several of these smiles look familiar, it’s more than likely due to the years down de road in all of the Kadooment posts.  Happy friends, good tunes and the Caribbean sunshine. My cup is overflowing (and I’m not talking about the Bajan Rum Punch)!

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White Christmas… snow or sand?

Who do you spend your holidays with? 

Relative: a person connected by blood or marriage.

Friend: a person who you like and enjoy being with; one who is attached to another through affection.

Family: a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation (in my opinion it’s a combo of the above).

If I were to get a little emotional in my writing, I’d tear up as I tell you how lucky I am to have gotten to spend several holidays with some of the most amazing people I know. You’ve seen my dearest family in Oklahoma in which this time of year calls for freezing rain storms and an abundunce of sweet treats. Then there’s my incredible mother who so eagerly makes every occasion so special with our time in Florida. My childhood friends in California never fall short to extend a welcoming invite to spend the winter days with them as seen in the holiday 5k run and Dream-catcher with the hawk. I’ve even been fortunate enough to have celebrated abroad like St.Patricks day in Argentina, Thanksgiving in Japan and the unforgettable Easter in Panama.

This year I wasn’t in Florida with my mum for the actual holiday but it wouldn’t seem complete if I didn’t mention our Christmas festivities (which is summed up by the photos below). I love you mom!  


Christmas in the Caribbean is surprisingly more similar to what I knew as a child back in the states.  There’s jolly carols playing in most of the shopping areas with random decorations lining the malls and public buildings. Store attendants have Santa hats on and St.Nicholas may appear randomly throughout the weeks leading up to the 25th.  If I had to outline the differences from what I can remember in the cold USA to the island life now, it’s obviously the weather and possibly the stockings.  Aside from candy, we got gloves and mittens, flannel pajamas and little trinkets.  Here they get Catch bars, sunglasses, flip flops and surfboard wax. Instead of snow angels, it’s sand angels and the pine trees that are brightly decorated in the front windows have been imported from overseas, instead of hand cut down on a visit to the mountains. 
Here’s a tiny snip of some of the scenes around here on the magical island of Barbados.


In regards to dinner, the typical meat served around here includes fish, ham, turkey or good ol’ fried chicken. The sides range from macaroni pie, sweet potatoes, plantains, greens, boiled vegetables and other random family recipes. If you’re lucky there will be some fried okra, homemade cassava rolls and breadfruit! Like a bit of spice? I wouldn’t pass on the local pepper sauce! Is your mouth watering? Check out all of the posts listed here for a much clearer canvas of the Bajan food that I have fallen in love with.  

 This Christmas I was welcomed into a variety of meals, toasts and family affairs that left me overflowing with love!  

In respect of all lovely people I encountered and homes I visited, I’ll keep this portion private and simple. (I also fear that if I begin to mention all the names of the hugs that I got to embrace that I’d leave out someone and we don’t want that). So for what it’s worth, here’s a just a small bundle of an entire day of joy! 

 I’ll close with some fun by taking a look at past and present winter photos. Wonderful to think that while some are strapping in snowboards, others are on surf boards and when a bunch of you decide which scarf to wrap up in, others are debating on which swimsuit to wear. Warm veggie soup verses a freezing fruit smoothie, snow boots or sandy toes… The list could go on and on!



  Ok, so the 25th has passed and all is quiet on the island… 

                                                       Yeh, if you’re the only one that lives in a cave! 

Next post will expose what is now one of my favorite events that takes place on December 26th, look out for Boxing Day!

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