Monthly Archives: December 2014

A taste of memories

First off, I’d like to deliver my love to everyone during this holiday season. If you’re on a tropical island somewhere or shoveling snow, I wrap my thoughts around you and send a huge, happy hug!

Now if you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed the quantity of posts slowly decreasing to few and far between. Naturally, going from a volunteer based backpacking lifestyle to an extended visit to the states, my daily routine has relaxed into an enjoyable job and reuniting with old friends.

Confession time: I miss blogging!

So here’s the deal, since I’m choosing to stay in the states for a bit longer (I still can’t convince the airlines to let me volunteer for free flights) I figure I’d post about the random events, products and people that are surrounding my daily environment.

To kick off this new chapter of herhappytrails, I’m going to show you an international market that we have right here in our own backyard!

Located at: 10971 Olson Dr – Rancho Cordova, CA 95670


I’d like to think it was developed for quirky people like me that truly enjoy getting lost abroad discovering new items in local markets. (See collage below)

However, after walking through this 80,000 square foot building, I realized it’s home away from home for many international residents. It’s a perfect place to gather traditional ingredients for tasty recipes that you generally can’t find at regular shopping stores.

Let’s take a walk!



I’m grateful to have traveled enough in which several of these items were familiar to me. So familiar that I actually got choked up with flash backs of the journeys in which many of these treats were a part of.










Would you like your seafood packaged, fresh, or extremely fresh?




After you check out, you’re conveniently located in the new food court. I say “food court” lightly as this doesn’t have Kentucky Fried Chicken or a Pizza Hut, but an assortment of baked international goodies and a few restaurants offering unique menus.



I have yet to mention that my partner in crime for the day is my dear friend Varee. If you’ve been following since September of 2012, you’ll recognize her smile from our adventure in Switzerland together!


Our choice of lunch? I went with a popular Korean dish called Bibimbap (which was delicious!) and she chose a warm Vietnamese Pho noodle soup. For dessert we bit into a red bean stuffed mochi ball. Oh sweet memories of Japan!


I leave this post with an adorable holiday house made from Pocky packages.


Merry days to you all!

Categories: Edibles!, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Make-A-Wish donation!

I’m proud to announce the winner of the post- guess, win, give… I love birthdays to be Mr. Mark Philipps. By guessing to the nearest second of a handstand I held , he got to pick the charity of his choice for Herhappytrails to donate $100. Drum roll please… Northern California Make-A-Wish foundation!

This wonderful program is world-wide and extremely active. In fact, right here in the United States, volunteers grant a wish every 38 minutes!

Here are a few stories from our local Northern California area.

Miles, a 5-year-old who is in remission from leukemia, got to save the city of San Francisco with his Make-A-Wish identity of the new Batkid. More than 10,000 volunteers and supporters made his wish possible by playing a role in this real life dream come true. For more of his story and the actual video of this memorable day, please visit I want to be Batkid.




The following story and photo came from, thank you for sharing!

When Andrew was originally approached by Make-A-Wish to have a life-changing experience, he decided that his one true wish was to go to Ecuador on a mission trip. Due to medical restrictions, he was unable to take the trip to Ecuador at the time and it was to be postponed until he was medically able to go. Unfortunately, that time never came.

His condition worsened and he was told that he wouldn’t be able to go to Ecuador. Make-A-Wish then gave him the chance to choose a different wish, something that he could enjoy from a place much closer to home. Andrew, whose motto was “love God and serve others,” chose to donate the cash value of his wish-$5,000-to help purchase a refrigerated food truck for the local food bank at Mosaic Christian Church where he volunteer

Andrew was remembered by Make-A-Wish during the national conference Evening of Excellence, where his family received, in his honor, the Lori Schultz-Betancourt Indomitable Spirit Award. This award is intended to honor the individual who embodies the essence of an “indomitable spirit” and possesses the qualities of persistence, bravery, compassion, integrity and dedication.

“I really just enjoy helping others and the feeling you get from giving back. So many people have given to me over the last two years as I’ve been battling cancer. I really enjoy doing what I can for others.”


A simple but sweet example is about a darling 12-year-old named Claire. She has been battling Cystic Fibrosis and enduring treatments that were described as “grueling”. Like several young girls, she had dreamt of owning her own horse after taking lessons between hospital visits. So when Make-A-Wish volunteers asked about her wish, Claire was granted her very own horse, Zio!


Mark, due to your participation of my silly handstand game, I was encouraged to research a charity that I’ve always heard about but never involved myself with. Now, because of your suggestion, I have a new chapter in future volunteering. Thank you!

If you would like to volunteer for Make-A-Wish Foundation, please visit to help.

Categories: Polls, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments

32 candles on 32 peddles

For my birthday this year, my only request was laughter. Comedy, friends, music… Anything was acceptable as long as smiles were included! Solution? A 15 person bicycle!

Sac Brew Bike is a company located in Sacramento that provides a man powered bike that seats 15 plus a driver. The faster you peddle, the quicker you go. A professional driver (not me) takes your group to designated locations for each pit stop. Saddle up, buckle in and peddle away!


Side note: The mustaches seen on most of us were grown within seconds using adhesive and slight pressure. More about that later.


Leave it to me to underestimate the amount of super-friends that would show up rain or shine. With a bike that seats 15 and 18 amazing friends, I was fortunate that three of them had brought their own bikes to meet up with us. Thus, we now have a crew following the beast. I’m secretly thankful this happened as we took turns on the single bike which was just as much fun!






Back to the staches… We were debating on superhero capes or party hats when my dear friend Liz simply helped the decision and suggested mustaches. Brilliant! You really can’t take yourself serious when rockin the fur below your nose.




Here are some random photos taken at a few of the pubs. No captions needed…




Dear birthday-cycle crew, you absolutely made this event most memorable and entertaining… Couldn’t have done it without you (literally, the bike wouldn’t of moved). The laughter and jokes with open minded, mustache wearing friends was exactly what I wished for. Thank you so much for trekking out in the rain and bringing your positive energy in addition. I love you all!


Categories: Fitness, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

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