International Family Travels

From Puke Bags to Precious Moments: Navigating Percentages in Puerto Vallarta

Life’s spontaneous dance never misses a beat, and within the awesome dance moves, Matt and I have uncovered a secret weapon (thank you, social media): The power of percentages! Well, more like the key to communication, but find what works for you. Imagine a world where each day demands 100%, yet nobody ever seems to have all 100% to give. As parents and partners, we’ve attempted to master the art of vocalizing when we need the other person to swoop in and pick up the remaining slack.

Three months ago, I embarked on a journey that ended with a hemorrhoidectomy. You can see that full YouTube video and the experience we had here!

Since then, we had begun life in Costa Rica, and even though I could manage daily tasks and had even resumed my workouts, I still experienced lingering discomfort and occasional pain—something that wasn’t typical for the months post-surgery. Imagine my disappointment when we found ourselves booking flights back to Mexico for my round two, courtesy of unruly scar tissue during the painful healing process. Luckily the timing couldn’t have been better for our trip back to Puerto Vallarta, school hadn’t started for our little social bug, and off-peak season discounts didn’t tear us a new one (pun intended).

Oh, the art of packing, a glorious process of proper folding and shove n’ stuff. We zipped the only bag we were taking and left the rest of our belongings with a new friend. Matt armed with our luggage, we set off on a whirlwind adventure without knowing what was ahead. The local bus ride from Tamarindo to San Jose would be a hefty trek but only $15 a person. Sure, renting a car was the comfortable way out, but why not save $175 and dive headfirst into the colorful scene of local life? We set our alarms for 4 am as the bus departed at 5:30 am. A walk to the bus stop, and we were off on a six-hour ride to the city.

All was glorious before Shanti’s stomach staged a rebellion only 30 minutes into the trip. Was it car sickness? Or perhaps a dreadful tummy bug? Let me tell you, barf bags are the unsung heroes in this story. As an unofficial self-proclaimed professional backpacker, I’ve always been committed to carrying bags inside of bags for all occasions. Thus, the random plastic bag I had on hand when she got that look in her eyes. Our bus ride was a unique thrill ride, and we carried a tiny puke bag as a souvenir.

Since we had to board our flights at 6:00 am the following day, we got a hotel just outside the airport. Going to bed that night, I was prepared to rebook as I wasn’t about to drag our sick baby on a flight, nor expect Matt or I to endure the trip if either of us got the horrendous bug. Luckily, she slept through the night, and neither of us got it! So another 4 am alarm clock and a shuttle to the airport, we’re on our first flight.

Fast forward to a shaky landing and a pit stop in Mexico City. Thanks to the magic of the Priority Pass, we snagged free food and drinks during our layover. (I wish I had this dreamy pass during my countless international layovers, sleeping on floors, eating leftover trail mix, and “borrowing” utensil packets from any cafe that had them on display in my solo traveling days).

Shanti unleashed her inner artist, Matt took on his work empire, and I tackled my never-ending momma to-do list.

Towards the end of the layover, we noticed a commotion—angry passengers lined up. It turned out our flight had morphed into a sardine can. The scheduled aircraft had been canceled and replaced with a pint-sized carrier leaving over 60 passengers, including the three of us, without a flight. Like, “Sorry, your paid-in-full seat doesn’t exist anymore.”

They booked a hotel room with a shuttle and sent us on a scout to find our bag. Imagine that treasure hunt with a tired kiddo, a determined dad, and a weary momma. As we scoured for our bags, Matt’s battery reached critical levels, 10%, to be precise. A subtle signal that he needed some space to breathe. So, Shanti and I set off on an “I spy” mission, the perfect distraction and a lifeline for Dad.

It was another 4 am wake-up call, and off to the airport. We found ourselves contending with three consecutive early mornings, a double-header of travel days, all while assisting a four-year-old on the mend from a stomach bug – oh, the joys! But fear not, for the remainder of our journey unfolded smoothly. Our friend Carlos, practically family now from previous travels, rescued us from the airport chaos.

My bag barely hit the ground as we arrived at our Airbnb before I was off in an Uber, bound for the surgeon’s office. The verdict? Another round of surgery. I felt a whirlwind of emotions as we geared up for a week of Matt juggling his businesses and caring for us girls.

As I mentally prepared the day before the operation, I struggled. I struggled to be patient with Shanti. I struggled with my thoughts. Tears threatened to well up at every turn. Finally, I went to Matt, “Babe,” I confessed, “for some unaccountable reason, I’m operating on autopilot at about 15%”. With his typical understanding, he took the reins, stepping in to handle dinner and cuddles. It was a moment of surrender, a moment to acknowledge and embrace that, turns out, I’m not a robot. Was it the surgery I was anxious about, the recovery? Could it be the weariness from the 72-hour whirlwind of non-stop travel drama? This uneasiness felt foreign, as if it belonged to someone else. I usually handle these things really well.

Nonetheless, I was sad. I was mad, and I was sad-mad at the idea that after taking months off from physical activity, I was finally walking long distances and enjoying a life of adventure. But here I was, facing the reality of another 4-8 weeks of no lifting, no exercise, and minimal movement. To me, that’s heartbreaking. Movement is my meditation, mood stabilizer, and self-love ritual, my priceless momma time.

Cue the tears and a restless night, only to wake up feeling like a new person. The surgery wasn’t life or death. Our family wasn’t facing a terminal illness, and I was surrounded by love and support. It’s funny how a good cry and some sleep can transform your perspective. With a heart full of gratitude, I was ready to face whatever came next.

After the successful surgery, mornings contained coffee-scented cuddles, while afternoons demanded a slower pace. Our family percentages were constantly fluctuating. Sunrise was my time to shine, but by lunch, the pain crept in, and I handed the baton to Matt. Amidst it all, our little Shanti emerged as a shining star when we weren’t at our best. A fluffed pillow here, a thoughtful gesture there, all learned (at least I’d like to think so) from the example of love and support we’ve built as a family.

Here are a few pics of our creative moments passing the time as I let my backside heal. Daddy singing for us girls, construction of mega forts, fun in the kitchen, some swimming, a DIY nail spa, and snuggles, lots and lots of snuggles!

So, as I look back at our whirlwind journey, I’m reminded that life’s percentages are ever-shifting, and that’s okay. In those fluctuations, we find strength, love, and balance. And even though our Puerto Vallarta adventure had its ups and downs, it was a reminder that no matter the challenges, we’re in it together—neighbors, friends, co-workers, family, kids, strangers. All of us just balancing our percentages, living with love, and taking it one day at a time.

Dra. Pamela, I am forever grateful for your remarkable skill and compassionate care that has transformed my life. Your kindness, thoughtfulness, and exceptional talent have not only mended my body but also touched my heart. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to your patients and for being a reassuring example of true medical excellence. Sincerely, Erika

Categories: International Family Travels, Not-so-happy trails, Travel talk, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

She ate the eyeball!

I wish I could say the wind was gently blowing away from my face, giving my hair a tousled look of a model in front of the camera. This was not the case. As we sped through the bay heading toward our destination, I had a death grip on Shanti, eager to feel the waves, leaning over the edge, laughing and splashing. My other hand braced the solid seat below me as every bump reminded me that my “cushion” wasn’t as protective as it used to be. My hair? If I wasn’t choking on the strands that so gracefully made their way into my mouth, I was blinded by the mask of hair covering my eyes with every change in the wind. It was a wonderful ride to Yelapa.

This entire post is also in video form on our YouTube channel, you can see it here!

The journey to Yelapa started with a cab ride from Puerto Vallarta, taking us north along the coast. We stopped at Parque Nacional Marino Los Arcos De Mismaloya so Matt could fly his drone and the girls could grab a snack: Fava beans, pumpkin seeds, and trail mix.

The cab finally dropped us in a charming little town called Boca De Tomatlán. It was hard to pass all the small vendors and restaurants in the sand, but we only had half the day to explore.

We made it to the beach and hopped on a group boat to the famous point called Yelapa!

If you’re heading there, please note that the boat makes two stops upon arrival. The first (to the right of the image) is for the beach, and the second is directly into town. We chose the second as the goal was to go to the top and see the waterfall we had heard about!

The walk to the waterfall was short, but it was narrow and steep(ish). In the town of Yelapa, there are no proper roads or vehicles. You’ll find dirt and rock paths with horses, mules, and the occasional quad. How cool is that?!

Once reaching the top, there was a gorgeous cascading waterfall with a small pool of water below. Mimi, Matt’s mom, had flown in to visit us, and we took full advantage as she watched Shanti so we could hop into the waterfall bath. It. Was. So. Cold. But we did it, and Shanti even wanted to join!

On the trek down the mountain, we followed Matt’s lead and saw some beautiful graffiti, fun construction, and… and… I think we’re going the wrong way. “Hey babe, this doesn’t feel right,” I say. With gentle confidence, he responds with a comment that he knows where we’re going. El wrong-o buddy! A mile into the opposite direction, the time is ticking, and there’s only one way off this beach and only one time they depart. I honestly couldn’t tell you if I was mad or totally selfishly pleased that I was right. Either way, a slight panic took to the air as I commented, “Well, we could always stay the night here?!”.

With the help from some locals and my undeniable sense of direction (that’s a joke if you’ve ever been lost with me), we made it back to the pier and with time to have dinner!

Cafe Bahia is a beachfront restaurant that did not disappoint! There were vegan options, homemade dishes, and creative adult beverages. The bonus was that we could see the dock where they picked us up, so we were guaranteed not to miss the only boat home.

Again with the windy-haired chaos of the boat ride, except this time, Shanti was curled up and attempting to sleep in my lap. Once we returned to the mainland, we quietly walked toward the local bus to get home.

We were just about to exit the neighborhood when Shanti scared the motherly words out of me! She pops up and shouts, “I want one of those!”

What was it? A whole fish on a stick roasting over an open fire.

This was when Mimi realized what she had done. Not only did she devour it, but she also ate it ALL, even the eyeball! Priceless.

We finally caught the bus back to Puerto Vallarta and ended up tired, sun-kissed, and ready for bed.

Friendly reminder that we have a YouTube channel called Their Happy Trails. It has our past bus life experiences, some family adventures, and international travels, including this very trip to Yelapa!

Categories: International Family Travels, Travel talk | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment

Punta De Mita – a trip of many emotions

So two years ago, I took a job with a company as an independent writer for their social media. I learned the ins and outs of content creation on different platforms while practicing my creativity through words. How cool, right? I loved my job with Tiny Home Tours and was sad to resign, but I knew it would be best for my family and our future travels. Plus, after writing 30 hours a week, unfortunately, this blog was put to the side. Luckily, my talented husband is an incredible videographer that captured those years through the camera AND we’ve created a family-friendly(ish) YouTube channel! It’s called Their Happy Trails.

If you’d rather watch an entertaining episode of this post, we have a 13-minute video of it on our YouTube. Click here!

Our first family stop out of the United States was Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We’ve soaked in the sun, eaten delicious (and not-so-delicious) food, and explored the city’s vibrant culture—more on that in a later post.

An exciting part of our trip was when we accidentally stumbled upon a huge annual festival in Punta De Mita! It was an incredible experience for all of us.

I went for a morning walk to find us coffee, and there it was, a line of trucks, boats on trailers, and homemade floats lined up along an old city street. In my broken but mistakenly confident Spanish, I asked a local what was happening. Little did we know, we were in for a big surprise! He said, “It (never said what “it” was) starts at 9 am in the Plaza.” Ok then, off to the Plaza we go!

As we got closer, there was a big crowd of people. We could hear the authentic music of guitars, horns, and accordions, which caused Shanti to dance her way up the path. Oh, how I love this kid!

It was a huge annual festival celebrating the local heritage specific to this city. They take so much pride in their area and and we were thrilled to have stumbled upon it.

While exploring Punta De Mita, we met a family traveling on a bus! You guys, a Skoolie! For those of you that don’t know, Our family lived the bus life for 3 years! We recently sold our second rig to start these travels. See our last home on wheels and the amazing journey it took us on by heading over to our YouTube.

I was not expecting the rush of emotions to see an international family in a DIY tiny home just hanging out in this little surf town. They had driven there from Maine! They were so friendly and welcoming that I felt we had known them for years, especially the awesome momma of the all-boy crew. They showed us around and told us about their adventures. We were so inspired by their stories that we joined them multiple times, once for nighttime tacos, a few surf days, and of course, the crazy parade.

Matt got to surf while we all walked the long beach to La Lancha, and when I say long, I mean 4 miles roundtrip! Matt had his surfboard, so naturally, I assumed Id be the one carrying Shanti for most of the journey. Nope! This energy ball ran the whole way there and skipped the entire way back (and also slept for 12 hours that night).

Ok, total scene change. Matt, Shanti, and I were walking the streets one afternoon, and out of nowhere, like, thin air, this baby chick came chirping up to us. Way too young to be away from its momma but healthy enough to want comfort. It had clearly lost its way and, due to Shanti’s adoring snuggles, soon thought we were its family.

It was heartbreaking, but we knew we couldn’t keep the chick. We had to let it go, but we all fell in love with this little thing! It was an essential lesson for Shanti; she learned about the circle of life and how to let go of things we love. Confession, I secretly kept looking for it in the following days, hoping to get one more day with our adopted pet.

The images below were daddy telling her we had to say goodbye. Both of their expressions are on point with emotions.

Overall, it was an incredible trip. I can’t wait to see what the rest of our journey has in store for us. Shanti may remember some, if any, of these times, but I hope the overall energy of the experience will be seeded in her life’s journey.

Next up, more of Mexico!

Categories: International Family Travels, Uncategorized | Tags: , , | 5 Comments

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