Posts Tagged With: monkey

Smell with your eyes open

Getting directions from a Bajan is similar to listening to someone explain a story in a different language or maybe like having a toddler tell you about their new toy. They know exactly what they are saying and look at you as if you should too.  “I’m speaking clearly, why don’t you understand”? Now looking back, his instructions made sense only if you’ve walked the path before or possibly were born and raised here. Oh well… off to the market we go!

Last year I can remember arriving around 9am and having slim pickins, so this time I’m on it bright and early.

“So go out the back gate and turn right”. (Back gate of the yard? the neighborhood, the round-about?) 
Since I didn’t see a gate in his yard (turns out there is one… oops), I walked out of the front door and headed in the direction he had pointed.  So far so good!  

  His street started to bend so I looked left and behold, a gate! I think. The rickety linked fence stared back at me with a locked, rusted, jagged prison gaurded resemblance. Hmmm… I don’t know about this.  Eh, lets go for it!

Side note, probably not the most brilliant idea to hop this trap wearing flowing pants during a windy island day. No need to worry, I survived.   

 “Follow de road”  Got it. “Walk till you see the fountain and turn left”. 
 Ok, easy enough (there was even a cute little arrow confirming for me). Step two, success! 


No thanks, I’ll keep walking. 

I’m not sure if it was the euphoric state of mind I developed while walking in silence or simply the view that was before me (probably a combination of both), but at this moment, all was in alignment. This is a small piece of what I believe people mean when they suggest to “stop and smell the roses”.  

Getting to the market was my goal, but this… this was just as magical. 

Back to the directions.  “Once you get to the golf course, don’t follow the road, take the pedestrian path over the hill”. Well this looks very “pedestrian” welcome.  Not much of a hill as I was expecting, but off the main road is what he said, so here I go! 

He didn’t mention a split in the path.  Uh-oh.   

As I continued along the foot path, things just weren’t feeling right. So what do I do?  Keep walking. 


Not looking good my friends…  
A sign! Can you see it?  If that says “Hope st.”, I’m on the right track!  

Wrong. I now have the confidence that I shouldn’t have confidence in my current route. I did a 180 degree turn and headed back towards the main road. As I approached the first split, my eyes zoomed in on the hill” he must of been speaking of. Yep, according to my burning thighs, this was definitley more of an incline than the golf course! 

Here’s a quick shot of the view once I reached the top.  

When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses with your eyes open? 

It may not seem like I’ve been gone for long, but I should have been to market by now. Early bird gets the worm… or in this case, early girl gets to pick the best veggies before they’re gone!

Although I don’t mind  getting a bit turned around (in fact most of the time, I love it!) today I was eager to be there on time for the broad selection of organic tropical goodies! Awh, look at this. Help was literally parked at the top of the hill. Thank you Universe! 

These two kind gentlmen not only helped me along the way, but drove me a stretch in order to show me the next turn on my journey! If you look at the bottom photo, you can see that he stood and watched until I was on the clear path.  Angels. 

Once I stepped foot on the broken dirt path, things started to look familiar. What’s this? I’m finally here! 

With fingers crossed, I held my breath rounding the corner like it was the first day of school and I was the last one to class. Am I too late? Did I miss out on the very thing I came for? 

Turns out everone was on Bajan time this morning which means,”It’ll start when we’re ready”.  All righty, so my hour late arrival was actually an hour too soon. Lovin the island vibe! What to do while I watch everyone set up their booth… have a seat at the cafe and absorb it all! 

SIDE NOTE: The currency is about half the dollar, so the iced coffee below would be around $4 USD.

Slowly but surely, stands arose and the market was in full swing!  You may recognize some of the produts and people if you’ve been following years past. The Holders Market was a part of the post, The rest of Barbados in a coconut shell!    

 Can you feel me smiling yet?! The music fired up as I headed on my way back home. 
The walk back was just as entertaining as the adventure to get there.  Easier on the mind, but not so much on the body.  Who knew after years of breaking them in, blisters would appear from my favorite sandals! I got these beauty’s in Vietnam from the post Lady lady, where you from? Good thing I love to feel the earth under my feet!

Look who it is! Greeted with a smile, I walked over to give them the requested update on my Holders experience.  I couldn’t tell if the smirks I was receiving were from a joyful reconnection, or simply being entertained by this crazy girl! Either way, they didn’t hesitate for a photo and certainly didn’t decline my offer of toasted coconut chips that I had brought from the market.


I’ll leave you with my final stretch in which I came across a little cheeky friend.  Tourists think they’re cute (because they are) and locals think they’re theives (because they are).



Categories: Edibles!, Fashion from a backpack, Fitness, Not-so-happy trails, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

A sloth and toucans… Monkeys oh my!

When Carina and I were deciding where to venture next, I got in touch with the crew from last week and realized they were just south of us! What a great excuse to take a speed boat along the coast to the beautiful town of Manuel Antonio. Cliff side beached lined with natural jungles make up the most visited famous National Park of Costa Rica.

We get up and head out for our 9am departure. Just follow the blonde dreads as he leads us to the boat. Apparently it’s a wet ride as they bag up everyone’s luggage and load us up.





Going on the list of “things that make me giggle” is when the tour guide tells the entire boat that “life jackets aren’t necessary because it’s going to be a smooth ride”. Then he follows by putting his on! Notice, he’s the only one wearing one.


I’m entertained at what his definition of a “smooth ride” is, but never the less it was a blast! We saw dolphins and turtles, caught some air and was treated to the occasional complimentary shower.


Getting to shore brought a quick disembark as we hopped into the van for the final stretch to Manuel Antonio.



Most of you know by now that I don’t support “coincidences” as I believe more strongly in the idea that all happens the way it should with great purpose. With that said, meet our new friends and future travel partners, Or and Muli! All the way from Israel, they’re here celebrating a honeymoon. What started out to be a casual conversation of the usual “where are you from?” and “where are you headed?” ended in plans to reunite in Puntarenas on our last days of the trip. This idea was also partnered with the thoughts of visiting them over seas! Did my journey just take yet another unexpected thrilling detour? I hope so!


We say goodbye to the newlyweds and hello to this familiar face. Remember her bright smile from a few weeks ago? Her and the group from Santa Teresa are still here and now I get to introduce them to Carina!


It was no surprise to me that Carina meshed right in and was immediately adopted by everyone. We were both welcomed with open arms, sincere smiles and a villa view that defines Costa Rica.




Our first day consisted of a humid jaunt through the unofficial National Park to a private beach that sits below. As you walked the path, you could hear the uncountable amount of crabs that were wrestling in the bushes. Loudly enough, that some of the girls didn’t want to stop walking. “Just keep moving!”




“She works out”. (To be sang in the tone of the LMFAO song, just for fun).


Boogie boards and body surfing… Use please! I also love the way Michelle’s toes in the photo capture the pure relaxation happening from shore. Pura Vida!







Hand standing on an empty private beach just shy of the jungles of the Manuel Antonio. Internal thought to be shared: “Erika… stop, take it all in and appreciate it with full gratitude”.


How do you clear the crowd of people from the water? Stand by a tree and point up. Sloth! Toucan!




A sloth, toucan, crabs, dolphins and turtles oh my! Why not finish it all up with what she’s been waiting for… Monkeys!

If you recall from the last post, Carina has yet to see a monkey. Well this morning brings us some fluffy tailed, round eyed pals that almost seemed to know she deserved a good show. Over our morning coffee and wonderful girl talk, the trees behind us began to rustle around in an unnatural way. Next thing we find is a white face peering into the balcony.




Please tell me the look on her face shouts pure excitement! The tiny monkey toosh behind her is all I could catch as it moved quickly out of sight, leaving her grinning like a kid at Disneyland.


A sneak peak of the beautiful villa and the sunset that comes with it as our time here has come to an end. Michelle, Morgan, Nick and Graham… We thank you for sharing time, space and energy with us during this guacamole fiesta! Cheers till LakeTahoe!






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